The North Cumbria GP Fellowship Programme is a 2 year programme, created to support ongoing development and support of our newly qualified GPs through dedicated, ring fenced time. Nationally funded, locally developed.
Programme Details

Prospective Applicants
Available for all new GP's, qualifying from in the last 12 -18 months (Full & Part Time)
Paid, dedicated ring fenced time each week covering four main domains:
Peer Learning​ & support
Partnership Learning
PCN Learning
Dedicated Mentorship
Fellowship Programme is being centrally funded by NHS England
Per each Fellow.
Based upon “Full Time” working (37.5 hours)
Fellow Reimbursement - Matched usual clinical session rate & 30% Up-lift to offset tax, NI & pension contributions
Practice Reimbursement - £1,000 /12 month
Fellowship Programme Delivery - £2,000 /12 month

Contact Us
Feel free to contact us on the form on this page if you have any questions - we'd be more than happy to discuss things further.

The Fellowship Programme is supported by: